1) What side of the heart do you draw first?The right
2) Can you dive without plugging your nose?Yessirree, it is hard to dive one handed.
3) What color is your razor?Silver/lime green
I don't use disposable, they rip the crap out of my legs.
4) What is your blood-type? A+
5) Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? My husband :)
6) What is a rumor someone has spread about you? I have no idea, I am sure there are many, and they haven't made it to me. When I first met D his officemates were always telling him that I was a "party girl" SO NOT TRUE....UNFORTUNATELY
7) How do you feel about carrots? I love me some carrots, I love them roasted with dill. But I don't love them as much as our dog. That is her treat of choice, and we go through a lot of carrots per week!!!
8) How many chairs at the dining room table? 8...I think, not at home so I will have to look.
9) Which is the best spice girl? Posh I think. I never really liked any of them.
10) Do you know what time it is? Yes, both here PST, and at home CST
11) Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince song? Probably most of them, I did when that show was popular.
12) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator? If I was alone? I think I would freak for a minute worrying that it was going to fall, then I would probably pick up "that phone" that I have always wondered who it calls, and see if they could help! If I were with D, I can guarantee what he would want to do......
13) What's your favorite kind of gum? I really don't chew gum(it's really unattractive if you watch ANYONE chew gum, so not ladylike) But like Heather, I only chew gum to get the flavor(Juicy fruit) until the flavor is gone, and then repeat. But that is about once a year!!
14)T or F: All's fair in love and war. False
15) Do you have a crush on anyone? Yes, my husband :) and maybe a little one on Vince Vaungh.
16) Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning? Absolutely!
17) Do you like to sleep? I love to sleep, when it is good sleep, but hate when I dream too much, or it feels like you are not really asleep, but you really are asleep. I often worry that the sleep part of a baby is going to be my downfall in mothering. I am not nice, or capable of thinking when I haven't had about 9 good hours!! I know, I know, no comments here!! This is from the 16 years of flying and being sleep deprived all that time.
18) Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings? Arizona, Indiana-but I think only part of the state for some reason.
19) Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart? Doesn't everyone? I thought everyone had called the radio station at least once in their life to dedicate this song to the jerk who broke their heart!! Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I'm only falling apart... Nothing I can do - a total eclipse of the heart.
20) Do you want a bright yellow '06 mustang? Gawd NO, I wouldn't want a bright yellow anything, or any mustang. I would like a butter yellow convertible VW bug though.
21) What's something you've always wanted? A flat stomach (doesn't matter how much I weigh, even at my thinnest point I didn't have a flat stomach) to go to Bora Bora, and Postinano, Italy...I will go to both, it just hasn't happened yet!!! Maybe while we are waiting.
22) Do you have hairy legs?No, I can't stand to have hairy anything. I am not a fan of facial hair on men either!! Hair is gross...Well except on your head.
24) Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake? Neither. I for sure would never swim in a lake. I try to make it my policy to not swim in anything that I can't see the bottom. But D and I both always tell people we are kind of beach people, as long as there is a POOL! I will swim in the Caribbean(again, sticking to my policy that I can see the bottom)
25) Do you wear a lot of black? Yes, it just goes with everything, and it doesn't matter if you spill!!
26) Describe your hair.Right now? Getting longer everyday. I am growing it out, hoping to grow it long enough to donate to locks of love. I have really thick hair that is past my shoulders at this point. It is sort of auburn with some light highlights(that I just started doing this year) I wear it in a ponytail almost everyday. Love the ponytail!!
27) Do you have Entomophobia? Yes, I have every phobia that relates to bugs, spiders, snakes, rodents!!
28) Are you an adult? Technically, based on my age. But sometimes don't feel like an adult. Hopefully the CCAA isn't reading.
29) Where is/are your best friends? Kansas, NJ, and Dallas(not in any particular order) I wish the two that are out of state lived close. I wish I could see them everyday. I talk to the one in KS everyday, even though I really hate to talk on the phone. Sometimes we talk 10 times a day, but maybe for only 20 sec at a time. Weird I know.
30) Do you have a tan? No!! I do get mystic tan in the summer...b/c tan fat is better than pastey white fat. But I am obsessed with sunscreen(Blue lizard)and I get my skin checked once a year at the derm. I have had enough moles removed, that I am not interested in getting a real tan!!
31) Are you a television addict? OMG, it would scare you how addicted to the TV I am. I would like to have Tivo on every TV in the house. I am making an effort to figure out how to kick this addiction. I am not a believer in kids watching TV(well at least very, very little) So this is where the Tivo thing is going to be the greatest invention evaaaaar!!!
32) Do you enjoy spending time with your mother? NO, nuff said!!
33) Are you a sugar freak? No, but my husband has a terrible problem with sweets. I love SALT!!!
34) Do you like orange juice? Yes, but only the pulp kind, the more pulp the better!!
35) What sign are you? Cancer
36) What color is your Cell Phone? Silver/Blue
37) Where do you wish you were right now?China, or see #21
Wow, that was long. Leave me a comment if you decide to offer up the info on yourself so I can come take a look!!