Friday, August 25, 2006

9 Days????

I am so excited to see everyone's referrals. I would have been a bit more excited had they done more than 9 days worth. Hopefully everyone read RQ today as she had the unfortunate pleasure of passing along how the CCAA sees the wait for waiting families. Since I may be mean in my paraphrasing I will share it as it was posted:

"From a European Agency
One of the European agencies has posted that the cutoff would seem to be July 22, that this is not official but that the “sources are sufficiently trustworthy”. They note that they will post when they get something official.

They then talk a little about the delay, repeating the current party line of too many applicants and less available babies and that it is not possible to give a concrete time since there are so many variable factors.

They then state that the CCAA insists that it is necessary that the families have sanity and tranquility and patience while they wait, that this is essential for future happiness, and that this will demonstrate the capacity of people to face problems and difficulties that life always creates.

And then comes the kicker. We are told that people who are not able to handle the pressure and understand these simple points are not welcome." Rumor Queen 8/25/06

I find that very hostile on their part. Tranquility????????? Are you kidding me? How can anyone feel tranquail about waiting 2 years-2 1/2 for most if you include paperwork. Has something happend to make them hostile towards us? I am really confused. I thought this adoption process was good for everyone; great for the babies, great for the families, great for China b/c of the revenue IA produces-Great all the way around as I see it.
I just know that I feel deflated, and disappointed. This all seems to be a dream, and it will never REALLY happen. I think it is time to move along with my life, and put some of this on the backburner(if possible) and someday, somehow, someone will call and say "we have your referral for you" I will be so patient, and tranquil in the asylum that I will respond with "referral? what referral?"

Well again to everyone that did receive your referral CONGRATULATIONS!! To those that just missed it, my sympathies to you- Hopefully you will be next!!
I am just going to go take a nap, and recover from the disappointing news.


Kayce said...

Perfectly put! I feel like screaming now!!! How do we stay tranquil?

Anonymous said...

Maybe we need to go to Hawaii for a few months. I think that would = tranquility.

Tina said...

I love your blog! We are in Alabama, waiting on the 171H from the slowest office in the Nation... Atlanta !! The current news is heart breaking, I have cried for 2 days. Wish I could nap for the next 2 years!