Friday, March 09, 2007

In case anyone is wondering...we really are adopting

Hey, went to the mailbox today, and low and behold there was our BROWN ENVELOPE!!!
What a nice reminder that we really are adopting, and someone other than us actually knows this tiny tidbit of information. I have been wondering for 6 months what it looks like, and never expecting to actually get my hands on one.
I really did not expect to receive this.
It does feel good, because I actually do feel like someone else is aware that we are adopting, and it is not a figment of my imagination. WOW our dossier actually arrived!!! Yeah!

It was dated September 18, 2006 Two days before our LID.


Anonymous said...

Cool beans. I have seen a lot of folks get them. I will have to check the mailbox.

Tina said...

Congratulations, ours came too. Now if they'd just speed up the phone calls......

Anne Marie said...

Yay! Every little bit of progress is so exciting!

Colleen said...

Very cool. We never got our brown envelope. Kind of makes me nervous.

LOVE the t-shirt too.

walternatives said...

Y'know, I was indeed wondering if you REALLY were adopting....

"M" said...

Any validation that things are really in the works is great. In IL we don't get brown envelopes. I so wish we did.

Jenni said...

It does feel good to finially get something official that isn't from you agency!

C's Mom said...

Congrats! I remember feeling relieved that my paperwork had not been lost. Then, I got two of the brown envelopes..hmmm. I guess they thought I needed some extra reassurance.