Sunday, April 22, 2007

It makes me tired just reading it!

Well, well, well, well, well.

I know I have been horrible about not keeping up with my blogger obligations. But let me just tell you how busy my life has been for what seems like weeks at this point.

I did make it back from my nest watching duties. It really was a needed trip to help them out. The "official nest watcher" is now 24 1/2 weeks pregnant, and has at least 8-10 weeks left sitting on the nest. Yes, she is going crazy if you are wondering. While I was there I literally stepped into her mommy shoes and off to town we went. Jack and Katie were both willing participants, and Brian, well lets just say I think I saw a tear roll down Brian's face when he dropped me at the airport. We had a full schedule, including back and forth to school. **I will be signing up for the pre-school that comes to your car and takes and puts your child in and out of the car seat....that is a supreme benefit** We went to gymnastics, swimming lessons, dance class, baseball, open gym, grocery shopping, Easter bunny shopping, Easter bunny paw print making at midnight before Easter morning, wedding gift shopping, 24 meals made at super suppers, dog walking, closet cleanings, returning all the dishes to the rightful owners(yes, such great neighbors bringing meals several times a week-thank you so much!!) You name and I had it on my list. Including the full day at the hospital with her dad while he had hernia surgery. He is doing fine, and actually the day there was not so bad either. We had the best nurse ever...Jamie. Jamie if you are reading, just want you to know that you rock my world. You made the day go by so quickly, and I so enjoyed visiting with you all day!!
I really need to make one more trip back before Miss Meggie makes her appearance, but not sure if it will work into my schedule. We have the busiest 3-4 months ahead than we have ever had. We are traveling every single month, Big C will be home for what sounds like a quick Maymester, and then he will be off to work at a camp in the Hill Country. Then we have to prepare for our exchange students arrival. She is for sure coming. I have her registered with the district, and so it really is a done deal. A 17 year old living with us for 10 months. So a quick trip back to KC may just not be in the cards. I will be going back though when the baby is born to help out for 2 weeks. We just are not sure when that is going to be right now.

We just arrived back home from a weekend in Austin. We had dinner with Big C on Friday, and then we went to Earth day in Austin on Saturday. Then we were off to see a group of adopting families that had travelled from all over the country for this weekend. So we had a great time with all of them on Saturday night. Bar-b-Que, drinks, lots of laughter, and lots of fun. I was so excited to meet this group, and now reading their blogs takes on a new meaning...because I actually know you now!! We look forward to meeting up with a few more adopting families throughout the summer. While I would have told you a year ago that meeting friends on line is a bit strange and unusual. I now would tell you that I am not sure what I would have done this past year if I had to have walked this journey alone. So here's to the friendships I have made throughout this process. There are so many of you that I would love to meet in person.

Here is our group picture from Austin. Trust me, we had a really good time that night.

This is us prank calling Shelba, since she couldn't make it.

This is when the party got really going!! **sorry we had to protect the guilty from prosecution, so you will just have to wonder what everyone looks like***

Here is a band that we listened to at Earth Day in Austin, yes they are about 12 or 13, but let me tell you those little boys are going to be famous someday.These were the belly dancers we watched at Earth Day. They were amazing, and I wish I could move my body like them, and actually I wish my abs looked theirs.

Finally, here is my first secret pal gift that we received. I really have the best secret pal, but don't want to hurt anyone elses feelings. She is so thoughtful, has great taste and clearly has a sense of humor. If you remember when I posted Katie's picture when she had found the marker while she was suppose to be napping....and did the body work of art. Well my secret pal sent Katie some bath funny is that?? Thank you secret pal. I hope my secret pal has received her gift from me. She has not posted it yet, so I am worried that it hasn't arrived, and it should have.

So that is all for now. Have a very busy week ahead. I have quite a pile of embroidery that needs to get done. But that is a good thing!!
Wishing you a happy week ahead!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Run down before I blow this popsicle stand

Have deleted my excitement over the the secret pal that I was assigned. I decided that I had said too much, and didn't want her to have a clue of who I am. So I wonder, wonder, wonder who she might be???

I am out of here again for 2 weeks. I am off to help the "the keeper of the nest" If you don't already know my best friend(for 20 years) is pregnant with her 3rd child and on full bed rest with a 3 & 5 year old. So I am going back to help keep them afloat. So won't be posting much if at all. I will be watching though. I will try and check in with you all in about a week or so if I have some down time.

I have been able to at least get my ETSY site up and running. So you can go here to see what I have. I have posted it all on here, but now you can officially buy it without emailing me. I have not gotten everything up yet, but will once I return. Taking good pictures of your products is the hard part. Thank you to my helper for getting my banner up and looking so pinkalicious. My web site is still under construction. But hopefully will be up and working soon. I really appreciate everyone thus far who has bought something from me!! I hope you are enjoying what you bought, because I really enjoyed making it for you.

Here is some really interesting news. I think we are going to host a Chinese Exchange Student starting in August for the school year. She is from the Chongqing Province, she will turn 17 right after she arrives. She will be a sophomore in HS, she came to the US last summer for just a month long exchange. She is in the top 5% of her class of 1000, and she looks darling. Not really sure what prompted this decision, but we are both are very excited, and as we were making the final decision today, we ran into a family at the grocery that is hosting a girl from Thailand who is approx the same age and has been here for most of the school year. Her English was beautiful, and she said it was the opportunity of a lifetime, and that she is having a great time. She said she was homesick the first month, and now she says.....not so much with a BIG grin on her face. She said she even got to go to the Caribbean. The mom said it had been a great experience, and that they would probably host again next year. So that is BIG news around our house. We think it will be a great opportunity for us to learn a lot about Chinese first hand. Hopefully she will be helpful in tutoring us in Chinese; especially helping us with our tones. She says she loves to cook, and hopes to be able to teach us to cook Chinese food. So I think she is going to be a great fit for our family.

So that is about it from Texas. When I return from this trip we are headed to meet a few other adopting families for a weekend in Austin. We are really excited to meet everyone, and I think it will be a lot of fun! So to all that will be there that weekend, we are looking forward to meeting you all. Have a safe trip to the Lone Star State, and don't drink too many margaritas before we get there!!!

So I will look forward to checking on you all. I am hoping to hear that The Singing Bird is on her way to pick the beautiful Emme Lu. So I will be watching your site, and please share the pictures if you do happen to eat any bugs.

Here's to referrals being just around the corner(we hope) and here is to getting into November is about time. 06' we are coming atcha!