Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hayden is growing up

We just received Hayden's update, and she is growing like a weed. She now weighs 12. 9 lbs, and is 23.6 inches long. I was really hoping for a smile, but I will settle for the focus this child seems to have. She is meeting her milestones, and looks like she is doing well, and looks happy and healthy.Now we just need a court date and get this train moving out of the station. We are ready to go get our girl and get her home where she belongs:) I do love that it seems her foster mom keeps Hayden in pink.....just like it is suppose to be:)


Dee said...

Smile or no smile...she's just beautiful. Any word on travel?

walternatives said...

She is a darling, darling child - such big eyes. I'm so ready for you to be boarding that train.

rachel said...

she is just lovely! and i LOVE her name!

Maci Miller said...

She's beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

I hope things pick up. You need to go get that sweet faced child.

Headmeister said...

Girlie, I don't know how one can look into the eyes of their child and have to wait to be with them. That must be killer, especially with the beautious face of this little chica, for sure. Sounds to me like she's only one size behind Georgia... she's getting big that girl of yours - hurry and get her home already!!! :)

C's Mom said...

Hayden is just gorgeous. I so hope things move along soon. This waiting once seeing that precious face is just torture.

PamFitz said...

She's precious! And I'm with you - I love the pink!