Sunday, July 23, 2006

Have you ever just wondered??

I have read so many websites, and blogs of families that are adopting. I tend to stay focused on families adopting from China-I feel like it offers us the best information regarding our particular situation. David likes to chime in that I have become a stalker of all things Chinese-I would argue that it is not stalking it is gathering information. Anyway, I just thought if you follow along our road to China that you might like a little background information on our family.
"D" and I will celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary in October-WOW! Now in the this world we live in today-10 years that might as well be eternity. Anyway, we have actually been together for 14 years. We met in 1992 on a Delta Airlines flight from Phoenix to Dallas-I realize that it might sound destined, and romantic like. However, it was really anything but romantic. There is a little tidbit of personal information I should share at this point. "D" was a passenger on the flight, and I was a working flight attendant. I was a DAL flight attendant for 16 years, and just recently left my job to pursue this journey to China. Anyway, back to the story. "D" was commuting to PHX Monday thru Fri, and I was flying the same trip that whole summer-well I met him the first time he was on my flight, and let's just say that we met during the boarding process on a VERY full flight. David who has a bad back doesn't sit down until the last possible second-well that meant he kept being in my way of lugging all of the excess baggage up the aisle for it to be checked. Everytime I would say excuse me I need to get by, he would just give me this really sour look. So finally after like 3 times of this exchange, I being the 24 year old with ZERO responsibility in my life other than paying rent and showing up to work with my uniform and suitcase gave him my view on the day...."wipe that sourpuss look off your face, we get to Dallas before Happy Hour ends" Well let's just say that really garnered me a big SOUR look. So to make a long story even longer our next meeting was just a mere hour later when I was running out my 127 meals(gosh I sure miss the days of airline food-oh I forgot we don't have airline food anymore!!)I get to "Mr. D" and put his tray down, and he says " I think I have a special meal" well..of course you do, you are already so special "Mr. D". Well we didn't have his special meal, and I must say he was very nice about it-yes-that might surprise you that everyone is not so nice when you tell them that you don't have their cold seafood meal, and now you will have to eat the common, cold turkey sandwich like everyone else. As we neared Dallas, and we finished our service. I was hanging out in first class-no not because it is the place to be, mostly because there is actually a place to stand where no one is standing making small talk while they wait for the bathroom and ask you for another tomato juice. Anyway, the very SHY "Mr. D" found his way up to F/C to seek out the brunette with the BIG navy hairbow, and dressed in navy polyester. Yes,this is my version of this story(someday I will give "D" the opportunity to share his version of this story with you) But the point being; he came to talk to me. We talked for about 15 min, and discovered that we lived only 5 min from each other, and he said he just wanted to apologize for seeming aggravated during boarding. He gave me his story, which included that when he arrived back in Dallas that he had to drive to Houston-well once again in my irresponsible state of mind-I responded with "oh why would you do that? Houston has not one but two airports and it is further then an hour away" mind you that is how an airline employee decides if they are flying or driving. So that is when he shared the picture of his children (who were 4 & 7 at the time), and said he was taking them down there to see his parents who live on a horse ranch, and they had a horse that was getting ready to give birth to a colt-and he wanted them there for that experience. So needless to say, at this point I have no idea why this guy is talking to me, he is married with children for goodness sakes. But he then got around to telling me that he was divorced, and working in PHX. He asked if I got to PHX often-which surprisingly I did-my roommate was from Scottsdale. So he said if I got out that way to give him a call, and we could go to dinner...but we live 5 min apart??? Well as this story has gone on far too long I will get to the point. After weeks of my flight attendant friends referring to my very sweet husband as "slimy married business man" and several inquiries, and phone calls made on David's part, we finally started talking on the phone regularly. He continued being on my flights, and my girlfriends will tell you that they always knew if "Mr. D" was booked on the flight from PHX-DFW because I would primp the entire flight from SLC-PHX. After 3 months of flights, and phone calls, and very nice notes,we finally went on our first date in Aug,1992. It has really been history since. There are some very funny stories that I will share at a later date that actually got us to the serious dating phase. But I can almost say without a doubt in my mind, regardless of the lack of romantic setting, we were destined to meet, and we were meant for each other. I am one lucky girl.


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