Thursday, October 12, 2006


Something very exciting has happened....I finally got to vote in a Rumor Queen poll. It just warms my heart that Sept 06' was included in the poll. I know, ridiculous as it may seem, it just feels like progress, since there really isn't any progress going on in the adoption world, it helped my spirit a bit. So if you haven't done so already, and you were logged in before Oct 06' then jump on over and VOTE, it will be good practice for the upcoming elections that I know all of you will be participating in!! pls note Nicole is wrong, there was a poll that included Sept 06' dates...nanananananah sticking tongue out!!

On a final note, today is our 10 year anniversary, and it has already been such a great day. I have gotten some really cute, and thoughtful gifts.
Thanks honey, and Happy Anniversary.


Rhonda said...

Happy anniversary and congrats on being able to vote on one of those polls.

I figure I should be able to vote one of these...years. ;)

Headmeister said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! Or better yet, HAPPY 120th MONTHAVERSARY!!! (me and hubby used to say monthaversary all the time. Now we're lucky to remember we're even married and it's only been a little over 3 years! lol!!!)

Jenni said...

Happy Anniversary! It's fun to finally be able to vote!

Anonymous said...

No it wasnt. Your LID was not in the last poll. That was for 2005 you nincompoop.

Anonymous said...

I should look before I speak. She did add a mini poll that included us. But that one isnt what she uses her calculations with.

Carla said...

I was excited to! LOL it's the little things right?